Sacred Sounds Pendants
Sacred Abundance Pendant
Sacred Abundance Pendant
Sacred Curse Pendant
Sacred Curse Pendant
Sacred Education Pendant
Sacred Education Pendant
Sacred Health Pendant
Sacred Health Pendant
Sacred Inception Pendant
Sacred Inception Pendant
Sacred Love Pendant
Sacred Love Pendant
Sacred Reflection Pendant
Sacred Reflection Pendant
Sacred Success Pendant
Sacred Success Pendant

Enhance your life by strengthening and supporting all aspects of love
Add Love Pendant
Love Pendant $95

Enhance your experience of life by promoting abundance on the material plane of existence
Add Abundance Pendant
Abundance Pendant $95

Releases the energy of curse; release from the binding influence of negativity. Among other aspects, this includes:
  • Addiction
  • Depression
  • Emotional Trauma
  • Forms of Physical Disability
  • Abundance of Obstacles and Challenges
Add Curse Pendant
Curse Pendant $95

Promotes and restores balance on all layers influencing the physical form
Add Health Pendant
Health Pendant $95

Illumines one's path in life
Add Education Pendant
Education Pendant $95

Promotes one's experience of life
Add Inception Pendant
Inception Pendant $95

Protects one's life
Add Reflection Pendant
Reflection Pendant $95

Promotes one's status in life
Add Success Pendant
Success Pendant $95
Enliven the 8 Primordial Values of Creation Influencing Your Life

What is the influence on your life?

"I am absolutely amazed with my Sacred Pendants.  I've been using them and wearing them for almost two months now, and it is simply not possible to express how much it has changed my life.  It is like going outside on a bright, sunny morning, when all you've ever known is cloudy days.  I honestly don't know when everything changed for me.  It's been a gradual shift in my life.  There certainly wasn't a specific moment when everything changed for me.  But, looking at my life over the past two months, I can clearly recognize a steady shift in nearly every area of life.  I cannot image now living without my Sacred Pendants, and I'm simply looking forward to every day, every week, with this great light in my life."
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Experience with the Sacred Love Pendant

"I met a guy four months ago.  We spoke and had a great time.  It was fantastic, except for the fact that he lived 1800 miles away and was leaving to go back home later that afternoon.  I really hoped that we would stay in touch, because we had such a strong connection.  But, I knew it had almost no chance of working, since he lived so far away.

"Well, I received my Love Pendant and thought to myself, 'this will really be the test for this thing.'  It had been a couple months since we had last spoken.  But, within three weeks of wearing my Love Pendant, we started talking again--completely out of the blue!  Two weeks (and several great phone calls) later, he decided to move across the country to be able to be near me and start a relationship.  I really couldn't imagine how this could possibly work out for me, but now I'm a believer in my Love Pendant!"

Experiences with the Sacred Abundance Pendant

"I started using my Abundance Pendant, and within the first week I heard from three past clients.  I quickly secured three deals, representing $40,000 in commissions for the month."

"I have been using my Abundance Pendant for the past six weeks.  The past year has been difficult for me, financially.  While there have been ups and downs over the past six weeks, I've definitely noticed things getting a lot better with money.  It's not that every day is better than the last, or even every week, but I definitely notice a lot of support financially that I just can't explain.  I have more hope now for my financial well-being than I had at any point in the past year."
Experiences with the Sacred Curse Pendant

"I had been an addict for 34 years when a friend told me I needed to start using the Curse Pendant.  That was back in November.  After a couple weeks of delaying, I started wearing the Curse Pendant in December.  It's now been about a month that I've been wearing it, and just in the last week I've stopped having any desire, any temptation, to give in to the addiction.  It all happened so easily and naturally--it didn't seem to require any effort on my part at all.  In fact, I'm still completely surprised that I'm actually free of that life-defining addiction."

"I was in a toxic relationship for 2 years, and it took all my energy and focus.  I received the Curse Pendant as a gift and started wearing it every day.  About a month later, I noticed a significant shift.  The relationship no longer held me captive, as it had for so long.  While I still care for him, it's entirely different now.  I am focused on loving and respecting myself, and I have found such great happiness and freedom in this.  Looking back on it, I can clearly see that I was addicted to that relationship, as plainly as if it were a drug.  But I certainly didn't see that while I was in it.  I'm just so amazed with my Curse Pendant.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Experience with the Sacred Health Pendant

"I never really thought of myself as being sickly.  I remember times when I had the flu and such, but I guess I generally catch a cold three or four times each year.  The thing is, each time I get a cold, it usually takes me a few weeks to fully recover.  So I guess I spend about 3 months each year dealing with being sick.  I started wearing my Health Pendant last November, and I cannot tell you how great I feel!  I've been around a lot of friends who had colds, and I haven't caught one yet.  But it's not just that I haven't caught a cold.  It's that I really feel healthy, healthier than I can ever remember feeling.  The past few months have been, by far, the healthiest of my entire life."
We get new experiences all the time.  Send us your experiences so that we may share them with everyone!
We get new experiences all the time.  Send us your experiences so that we may share them with everyone!
We get new experiences all the time.  Send us your experiences so that we may share them with everyone!
We get new experiences all the time.  Send us your experiences so that we may share them with everyone!